A sensational questions that need answers with an integrated analysis. Today, students of biology is very fortunate because it is on the right era. Biology has been growing rapidly as the central science, to bridge the science of all sciences, and is the busiest intersection that brings science, religion, humanities, and social sciences. Included also study the history of our origins, namely humans.
Most of us believe that even if accepted at face value as the first man Adam. Really? So no doubt of us to not want to know about our origins, because we were created by God to perfection. This is called creationists, namely that states believe the creation of living things were created separately. If so, why nitrogenous bases of DNA ranging from viruses to primates have the same code? A, T, S, and G. Why did God create human beings who have the same image with a chimpanzee? Is not what a vast diversity of his creative power (al-mushowwir) in the conduct of creation? When we talk about between evolution and creationism, it is somewhat difficult to find the appropriate coordinate point at present, whether in the future.
Well, now we will discuss the origins of the first man. When we study the genetics, then we must remember the human sex chromosomes, males (XY) and female (XX). Boys will receive a Y chromosome from his father, and his father received from his grandfather's Y chromosome and so on (male → male → male ...). This is called patrilineal line. Keep in mind, the Y chromosome does not experiencing any recombination with the chromosome because the chromosomes are not homologous with the X chromosome Research conducted in men of various ethnicities and regions of origin was not found at all the variations on each of ZFY gene on the Y chromosome (the gene that regulates maturation of testes or sperm). By using the estimated rate of evolution of the ZFY gene and mathematical calculations assumed that the male population at that time probably numbered a few thousand people.
As for the matrilineal line (line of women), certainly not based on sex chromosomes or chromosome body, but rather is determined by mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Remember the cell biology!. A little lesson reviews the development of the animal at the time of fertilization of human material. When the sperm head touched the ovum, which consists of the acrosome enzymes hidrolase will penetrate the zona pellucida of the ovum, so that the sperm cell nucleus will enter into the ovum. However, sperm mtDNA did not go into the ovum. As a result, when the zygote then the entire cell division contained mtDNA from the mother's ovum. Thus, the child comes from the mother's mtDNA, and mtDNA maternal grandmother came from and so on (women's → women's → women ...).
Through studies of human mtDNA, have been found differences in genealogy or family tree in the human species. So, at that human males and females have a lot of population. continue what about Adam and Eve? Are they pioneer the first man on Earth?
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